Thursday, November 26, 2015

Monday's Minute Challenge

Aubrey walked through the overgrown brush with vigor. Her ankles were grabbed at by curly-cue vines and angry thistles, but she kept moving straight ahead toward the old ferris wheel. Her sacred spot was still untouched and she sat in the niche that was molded by her body. She looked up to the sky and the squeaky iron seats while her shaky hands tried to light a cigarette.

“One last time right?” she asked the sky. “One more time today. Perfect day right? Same day you did it? Same day you gave up?” she coughed harshly. “Better get it  over with before winter comes. Before the leaves fall off this place—everything dies. Better hurry before autumn comes. Be the first thing to fall…” she trailed off in her delusional murmuring. Her unsteady hands couldn’t seem to work the lighter, and Aubrey retaliated, shouting curse words.

Another sound echoed among the iron bars and foliage. A barking golden retriever ran underneath the leaves, whining and whimpering at the girl with curls tucked under a grey hoodie. “No, Maxwell…no! Go away! –don’t want you here…go…” he hung his head. “before winter comes, finish it.” Aubrey shook her head, unsteady and dizzy. “give up. Easy. Like mother like…”

“Excuse me?” Aubrey looked up and saw a tall man far along in years looking down at her. She immediately stood to scare him off, but her shaky legs couldn’t hold the weight. The man steadied her, “I’m sorry, I know I probably shouldn’t intrude, but I couldn’t help overhearing.”

Aubrey looked at him, wanting to cut him off, but she didn’t have anything to say.
“Listen Aubrey.” She was startled to hear her name. “I think we should talk about this first…about your mother.”
“H-how did you…?”

“Let’s go inside.” He said.

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