Saturday, February 6, 2016

10 Minute Writing

Wow I haven't posted in awhile! Here is a little something I wrote in ten minutes. I guess you could call it free form poetry? Anyways enjoy!

If snow was silent

 Some people say that snow is soft and silent
The quiet flakes fall down and tickle noses with downy feathers, cold tendrils reaching with whispers
They say snow hushes the forests and the trees
It gives hiding to the birds and padding to tiny paws

Well if snow is silent, silence is not always what you would expect
Silence becomes the sound of eerie creaking and the twanging of a rope as fresh powdered snow flattens beneath feet padded with toe warmers and wool socks
Beneath boots heavy as anvils to the fragile piles of crystal
Silence is the slushing and sloshing of muddied white, imprinted with footsteps’ marks
Silence is the scrape and pat of mittens on domes of snow piled towards the chilly sky

If snow is silent silence is a crunch
A mighty or gradual sinking crunch as the topmost layer of sheets collapses in on the hollow pillow
It is the poof as a carefully sculpted sphere dissipates against the marshmallow protection of a winter coat
Or the cry of delight and horror as the snowball instead collides with an unprotected face

If snow is silent then silence is sound
A million sounds that all feel like a chilly day in January
Snow sounds like smiling and layers of clothing and crackling fireplaces inside
It sounds like winter storm warnings and traffic reports and closed school for the day
It sounds like delight and snowmen and it sounds like a grumbled comment about moving far away.
That’s what snow sounds like to me.
A million different sounds. But no, snow is not silent.

[][][] The Story Weaver [][][]

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